Shira Ovide
Our Data Is a Curse, With or Without Roe
There is so much digital information about us out there that we can’t possibly control it all.
The Supreme Court vs. Social Media
The court blocked a Texas law that would have forced large social media companies to publish all viewpoints.
Online Deciders Like Apple Have a Point
Sometimes we want experts who can sort out the mess online.
Buying Twitter, Elon Musk Will Face Reality of His Free-Speech Talk
Tech’s big shots have learned again and again that free speech isn’t so simple. What happens when Mr. Musk owns Twitter?
What’s the Future of Online Grocery Shopping?
Some of our pandemic-induced digital habits are here to stay. But what about buying bananas?
Should Tech Stay or Go in Russia?
Tech companies seem eager to support Ukraine, but how best to do that isn’t as clear.
How to Fix Facebook
This is a pivotal moment in Facebook’s history. Here are suggestions for how to improve the company.
La política exterior de las compañías tecnológicas hacia Afganistán
La caída de Kabul mostró que un puñado de ejecutivos, quienes no son funcionarios electos, tienen un papel clave en asuntos globales.