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  • Sam Roberts


Valarie D’Elia, Travel Reporter on TV and Radio, Dies at 64

She steered vacationers and business travelers to choice destinations, talked about the best deals, and offered up savvy tips on how to avoid vexation.

Edward Johnson, C.I.A. Hero in Iran Hostage Crisis, Dies at 81

He was a secret partner who helped rescue six American diplomats in 1980 by passing them off as a film crew. The caper inspired the...

Clark Halstead, Real Estate Broker Who Broke the Mold, Dies at 83

The face of his firm, he opened storefront offices to chase undervalued properties in New York City and emblazoned a London cab with his name.

Noel Parmentel Jr., Essayist, Polemicist and Apostate, Dies at 98

A self-described “reactionary individualist,” he mentored Joan Didion and was credited with famously comparing Nixon to a used-car salesman.

Charlie Moss, Whose Ads Spread Love for New York, Dies at 85

As a pioneer of Madison Avenue’s creative revolution, he collaborated on campaigns for Alka-Seltzer and other products. But his tourism pitches were a game changer.

Howie Cohen, Whose Alka-Seltzer Ads Spawned Catchphrases, Dies at 81

A copywriter, he and a partner in 1972 came up with “Try it, you’ll like it” and “I can’t believe I ate that whole thing.”...

Walter Shapiro, Political Columnist With a Contrarian Streak, Dies at 77

He brought to his writing a sharp sense of humor, honed in stand-up comedy clubs, and never pulled punches even though he was an unabashed...

Jeannette Charles, Who Doubled for the Queen, Is Dead at 96

She bore a startling resemblance to Elizabeth II. In “The Naked Gun” and other movies, and in comedy sketches on TV, she wore the crown...

Martin Wygod, a Winner on Wall Street and the Racetrack, Dies at 84

After he made a fortune selling prescription drugs and providing medical information online, he and his wife became leading breeders of thoroughbred horses.

Don Wright, Editorial Cartoonist With a Skewer for a Pen, Dies at 90

He won two Pulitzers for Florida newspapers, commenting wryly on war, segregation, church scandals and more while reaching readers nationwide through syndication.