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  • Rosalie R. Radomsky


He Brought Two Toothbrush Kits on Their First Date

Bryan Braswell knew crab curry could get a little messy on his first date with Caroline White at a Sri Lankan restaurant. So he came...

Their ‘Date Non-Date’ Led to a Real One

Megan Lerchenmuller and Glenn Josey, who worked together on a construction project, had drinks and dinner as colleagues. They soon began dating.

The State Department Kept His Proposal on Course

Ben Krauss flew to Athens to propose to Shana Mansbach, with the help of her State Department colleagues, on the last stop of a European...

Under Construction: A Remodeled House and Requited Love

Caroline Franklin, a teacher, and Kevin Wilkes, an architect, dated in high school, and then again 49 years later.

In Barcelona, Her Dream of a Spanish Husband Came True

Sarah Wood was not interested in a long-distance relationship with Gustavo González. That changed after they met at a cafe in Spain.

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Kept Them Amused Near and Far

Maria Bun and Mench Antopina downed shots together in Singapore or via FaceTime when they were apart while watching the reality TV show.

She Had Three Nonnegotiables. He Had One.

Amanda Cook and Drew Anello breezed through each other’s nonnegotiables. She won his heart, as well as his grandmother’s.

Love Italian American Style: That’s Amore

Chris Marazzo fell for Rose Minutaglio across the crowded backroom at Forlini’s Italian restaurant.

She Spent Her Birthday at an Airbnb, and Never Left

As Angie Lucas floated on a raft in the pool at Dennis Weisse’s home, she recalled thinking, “I wish I could live here.” Her wish...

She Promoted His Music From the Start. Romance Waited.

Carissa Bauman volunteered to hand out fliers for one of Dylan Jakobsen’s music gigs. She later became his best friend and manager.