Martha C. White
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  • Martha C. White


A Wealth Shift That Could Leave Some Younger Americans Behind

Assets held by baby boomers are changing hands, but that doesn’t mean their millennial heirs will be set for life.

Americans Went All-In on Self-Storage. That Demand Is Suddenly Cooling.

Many developers, spurred by the pandemic to invest money in new self-storage facilities, have been caught short by this drop in demand.

A Mortgage After 65: A ‘No Brainer’ or a Big Risk?

Fueled by once-low rates, more older Americans have mortgage debt, according to new research. But the downsides can be significant, some experts say.

Chill in the Housing Market Seeps Into Other Industries

The slowdown in the residential real estate market, a crucial cog in the American economy, is threatening sectors like home improvement and storage.

Pensions Get a New Look From Younger Workers

As the downsides of 401(k)-style plans become apparent, workers and some companies, including IBM, are showing new interest in defined benefit plans.

Gen Z Is Poised to Spend More on Debt Than Others. It Could Derail Retirement.

Young adults are struggling to keep up their credit scores and paying an increasing amount of disposable income servicing their debts.

As Student Loan Payments Resume, Gen X Struggles to Save for Old Age

The end of the payment pause means Americans in this age group will once again have to juggle paying off debt while trying to save...

In Remote Work Era, Hotel Operators Make a Bet on Longer Stays

Extended-stay hotels, which are cheaper to build and operate than their full-service counterparts, are also appealing to work crews on road, green energy and other...

401(k) Hardship Withdrawals Tick Up as Inflation Stays High

Retirement plan administrators are noting an uptick in hardship withdrawals. But taking that money out can harm your future financial security.

Once an Evangelist for Airbnbs, She Now Crusades for Affordable Housing

Precious Price ditched her profitable business of renting home stays to tourists to combat the mounting housing crisis.