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  • Juli Fraga


Keeping a Midlife Crisis From Wrecking Your Retirement Plan

Entering your 40s can throw you into an emotional tailspin — one that may lead you to spend more and jeopardize your nest egg.

Trauma financiero: qué es y cómo lidiar con él

Las penurias económicas o los gastos médicos pueden distorsionar los sentimientos y comportamientos de las personas en torno al dinero y causar que saboteen su...

How Financial Trauma Affects Your Relationship With Money

Experiences like economic hardship or medical expenses can distort people’s feelings and behaviors around money, causing them to sabotage their financial futures.

How to Keep Revenge Spending From Ruining Your Retirement

Once the worst of the pandemic passed, some of us turned from being savers to spenders — setting ourselves up for potential disaster.