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  • John Ortved


A Night Out in New York With Sabrina Fuentes of the Band Pretty Sick

Hitting New York’s East Village with Sabrina Fuentes, the 24-year-old frontwoman of the band Pretty Sick.

Paper Magazine: The Oral History of a Downtown Institution

It started as a chronicler of all things downtown. After success came, it morphed into something else. Now Paper has a new owner — and...

Paper Magazine: The Oral History of a Downtown Institution

It started as a chronicler of all things downtown. After success came, it morphed into something else. Now Paper has a new owner — and...

Chloë Sevigny Sold Her Old Clothes, and People Came in Droves

Fashion lovers flocked to shop from the star’s collection of garments in what was advertised on social media as the “sale of the century.”

Sandy Liang and Danny Bowien Celebrate Lunar New Year

On the Lower East Side, guests at a Lunar New Year party talk fashion and goals for 2023.

NYU Students Party at Beloved Barbershop

Astor Place Hairstylists turns into an underground dance club once a month, thanks to an enterprising sophomore.

How Much Would You Pay for Steve Jobs’s Birkenstocks?

At a recent event for the brand, we asked partygoers what they would give for the Apple co-founder’s sandals.

The Joke’s on Fashion Week

Chloe Fineman, Sarah Sherman and other comedians host an unusual fashion show at the Comedy Cellar.

Filmmaker Gabriel Gomez Tells Brooklyn Stories

He toggles between commercial videos for big fashion brands, and art-house projects on the New York creative class.

Was This the Art Party of the Summer?

O’Flaherty’s, a gallery in the East Village, invited everyone to submit work. Then it held an opening.