Ben Kenigsberg
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  • Ben Kenigsberg


‘Aggro Dr1ft’ Review: Glow-Stick Dreams and Thermal Nightmares

Harmony Korine (“Spring Breakers”) parties too hard in this fusion of feature filmmaking and video game.

‘Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg’ Review

Subtitled “The Story of Anita Pallenberg,” this documentary gives the life of the actress and model a thorough downer of a treatment.

Three Great Documentaries to Stream

This month’s streaming selections include one director’s look at a hometown ritual, the story of an improbable ruse and a celebration of student activism.

‘Blood for Dust’ Review: Dire Straits

This drug-run thriller, starring Scoot McNairy, traffics in grim ponderousness.

‘Food, Inc. 2’ Review: Pollan and Schlosser Return

Directed by Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo, the sequel about food production in the U.S. is, in some ways, a more hopeful film.

‘Scoop’ Review: The Story Behind That Prince Andrew Interview

In 2019, the prince went on air to respond to accusations involving Jeffery Epstein. The drama here is in how the BBC convinced him to...

Three Great Documentaries to Stream

Ethan Coen’s survey of a rock ’n’ roll icon, Frederick Wiseman’s take on haute cuisine and a searing portrait of PTSD are this month’s picks.

‘The Truth vs. Alex Jones’ Review: How Conspiracy Theories Work

Directed by Dan Reed (“Leaving Neverland”), the documentary offers a lesson in how conspiracy theories work and shows how parents confronted Jones in court.

‘William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill’ Review: Living Long

A documentary on the “Star Trek” actor unboldly goes where other profile movies have gone before.

‘One Life’ Review: One Man’s Rescue of Children in Wartime

A British stockbroker quietly saved hundreds of lives by arranging for children in Prague to escape the Nazis by leaving for foster homes in England.