Alyson Krueger
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  • Alyson Krueger


Many Despise the End of Daylight Saving Time. Some Can’t Wait.

“It’s like a gift and I have to make the most of it.”

What Is a Covenant Marriage?

A marriage contract that makes divorce difficult is a way for some couples to protect their partnerships. However, some experts believe that this type of...

NYC Marathon and Relationships: One Partners Trains and One Does Everything Else

Fifty thousand people are training to run the New York City Marathon on Nov. 5. But they’re not the only ones feeling the burn.

Something ‘Old World,’ Something New

Michael Mendieta, a comedy writer, and Whitaker Irvin Jr., an energy executive, blended their different backgrounds into a happy life together.

My Running Club, My Everything

Group running has exploded in New York City. As friendships, marriages and even rivalries emerge, the benefits are proving as social as they are physical.

The Fine Art of Naming a Group Chat

As texting continues to be central to our social circles, the name and image attached are often more considered than the messages themselves.

The Latest Fad in the Hamptons: Pottery Wheels

Hamptonites can’t get enough of pottery wheels in their backyards. One ceramist is bringing the messy, yet soothing, hobby into the homes of the moneyed...

What Katie Couric, Anna Wintour and Danny DeVito Wore to a U.S. Open Gala

The U.S.T.A. Foundation hosted a gala, and John McEnroe held a tournament to raise money for tennis scholarships and community programs.

The Woman Who Wants to Get Corporate America Journaling More

Laura Rubin, a journaling coach, believes there’s a group that is in desperate need of her services: corporate America.

The Jell-O Shot Renaissance

Across the country, bars are serving jiggly, alcoholic concoctions that are nothing like the college party version.