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  • Alan Rappeport


Afghanistan Faces Economic Shock as Sanctions Replace Foreign Aid

The Taliban will be under pressure to keep a fragile economy afloat.

The Biden Administration Wants to Block the Taliban From IMF Funds

The International Monetary Fund is set to release about $460 million in currency reserves to Afghanistan next week.

Biden Administration Wants to Block the Taliban From I.M.F. Funds

The International Monetary Fund is set to release about $460 billion in currency reserves to Afghanistan next week.

Janet Yellen made another call on Congress to act on the debt limit.

Ms. Yellen’s letter to Congress was her third warning. Last week, she told lawmakers that she was beginning to use extraordinary measures to delay a...

Infrastructure Deal Puts Cryptocurrencies in Washington’s Cross Hairs

A provision in the Senate legislation would give the I.R.S. more power to scrutinize a largely unregulated corner of finance.