So far, relaxed travel restrictions between the United States and Canada have not led to a big influx of tourists on either side of the New York-Ontario border. Both sides are waiting, not so patiently.
Curfews and lockdowns in some countries have once again made it difficult to plan a visit to the continent. Here’s what we know about the latest restrictions.
The number of travelers this holiday weekend is expected to be close to prepandemic levels. But those numbers hide the kinds of decisions that families are making about how and where to gather. Here’s how six families are celebrating.
Brought from America to Paris by John Jay, an enslaved woman named Abigail died there trying to win her liberty as the statesman negotiated the freedom of the new nation.
The number of travelers this holiday weekend is expected to be close to prepandemic levels. But those numbers hide the kinds of decisions that families are making about how and where to gather. Here’s how six families are celebrating.